
ILSA Chapters of Bangladesh share the visions and mission of global ILSA networks and endeavor to uphold the spirit of ILSA to the fullest. As individual entity each Chapter will
  • continue its effort to ensure an interactive environment between the national law and international law by addressing and adopting the best practices of international law;
  • contribute to the legal education by fostering mutual understanding of law students and legal professionals of national and global network;
  • contribute to the development of society and international community by raising awareness among the law students and future legal professional of their duties towards the contemporaneous society and international community;
  • educate students and future legal professionals in the principles and purposes of international law, international organizations and institutions through activities, such as academic simulations or conferences, research and publications;
  • provide opportunities for law students and young legal professionals to learn about international law through a critical academic simulation and cooperation as well as will equip them to pursue a career in international legal arena.
For details see Individual Chapter activities enumerated in the Chapters part.