Mosabbir Hossain, aspiring to be an international humanitarian worker, is currently working as a Project Support Associate at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Global Maritime Crime Program (GMCP). Mosabbir completed his LL B (Hon’s) from the School of Law, BRAC University. He previously worked as a Research Fellow at the Facts and Norms Institute. His research interest includes Public International Law, Human Rights, and Humanitarian Law, and International Criminal Law. Mosabbir co-authored several reports and articles on different aspects of human rights and recently, his recent publication highlights a co-authored book chapter in ‘Project Bajho: A study of the Climate Change Laws and Policies in South Asian Countries'. Mosabbir is a former Jessup contestant, and his team became the runner-up of the Fifth Bangladesh Qualifying Rounds and represented Bangladesh in the 2021 Global Rounds and reached to the Advanced Rounds as the only Bangladesh team.