Ms. Tasmim Sultana Mouly is currently pursuing her LLM from University of Dhaka. Currently she is working as a intern at United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes (UNODC). She has keen interest in human rights and social justice and has been volunteering in the Human Rights Summer School Program by ELCOP, Street Law Program etc since her sophomore year. She has also worked for Supreme Court Legal Aid Services to gather more experience in this arena. Ms. Mouly is also involved in various extracurricular activities like mooting, debating etc. She was a general member of Dhaka University Moot Court Society (DUMCS) and has been volunteering for Jessup- Bangladesh since then. She also holds the position in the Editorial Board of Dhaka University Law and Politics Review. She has research interest in Violation of human rights and Gender Based Violence relating to Trafficking in Person, Migrant smuggling, Drug related crimes and Transnational Organised Crime etc.